6 tips to help treat PCOS hair loss

6 tips to help treat PCOS hair loss

Tips to cure PCOS hair loss

Every single day I get asked ‘How did you fix your PCOS hair loss!?’

Hair loss is one of the most common symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and it was one of the most challenging symptoms I’ve had to overcome. Hair loss as a result of PCOS can be devastating for so many women and something I know first hand. It completely crippled my self esteem and was one of the major triggers for my anxiety.

Although hair loss is so common among women with PCOS, not many actually know what happens within the body to cause it.

Simply, if there is too much testosterone in your body, then your body converts it to something called Di-hydro-testosterone (better known as DHT).

DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink, which means that new hairs become finer and finer until they eventually stop growing altogether. Just like magic, hair loss begins.

Ohhhh the joys of PCOS.

But the good news is, with consistency, dedication and time you CAN stop your hair loss, and even better it - grow it back NATURALLY


Many women with PCOS have compromised gut microbiota, which results in inflammation and dysbiosis.

Stick to a low inflammatory plant based diet and take steps to remove inflammatory foods like gluten, caffeine, alcohol, sugars and processed foods.

Read more about the connection between the gut and PCOS in an interview I did with Dr. Cecilia Kitic


Natural alternatives are something a lot of women with PCOS are interested in. It is important that you do your own research and understsnd what herbs are right for you.

I have worked with a naturopath to create a powerful hormone balancing herbal tea Cysterhood tea which was orginally made just to help me reduce and heal my own PCOS symptoms such as hair loss, acne and regulate my menstrual cycle. Now, after lots of hard work it is available for all women who are dealing with symptoms such as hair loss, acne, infertility, bloating etc. You can find out more (and read the hundreds of reviews about Cysterhood tea below.

Almost all herbs I take for relieving my PCOS symptoms are in my Cysterhood Tea


When you’re not getting enough key vitamins and minerals through your diet, supplements can help boost your intake easily. The aim is to get as much of your nutrients through a whole food diet, however, sometimes the body needs a little bit of a helping hand.

Vitamin B12 is needed for red blood cell formation, neurological function and DNA formation and is linked to symptoms such as memory loss and lowered energy level, but is not readily available if you’re vegetarian or vegan so it’s important to supplement your diet. Other vitamins and minerals I supplement are zinc and magnesium, but it’s important to research supplements may benefit you!

You can read more about the supplements I took to reverse my PCOS and their benefits here.


Don’t make changes to your diet and then keep using chemical-ridden products directly on your body! Non-natural products including your skincare, shampoo and conditioner as well as other beauty products such as your makeup and face wash often contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

These chemicals can wreak havoc on your hormone levels, which for many women with PCOS are already out of whack!



Easier said than done, I KNOW! Managing stress can be instrumental in managing your PCOS symptoms.

Stress causes our adrenal glands to produce extra testosterone which can be a cause for hair loss. Stress management techniques such as breathing, yoga and gentle exercise can all help you lower your stress levels and as a result, your testosterone levels, naturally.


Are you getting enough sleep? Between 6-8 hours of good quality rest supports the endocrine system, helps to reduce inflammation and aids the body to heal itself.

Results won’t happen overnight, but if you continue to make little changes in your diet and in the products that you use, you will begin to see changes in your body.

Consistency is key in helping you reduce PCOS induced hair loss and can help you begin to regrow your hair naturally.

I really hope this encourages you to keep trying!

Please remember that there it might not happen overnight but with patience, dedication and time it will happen.

You’ve got this!

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