My birth and pregnancy story!
Wow, where do I even start?
Birth was the most challenging, most empowering and most rewarding thing I have ever done (and probably will ever do!).
I was lucky enough to be interviewed by the incredible Sophie Walker from Australian Birth Storie who asks me (in detail!) every aspect about my birth journey, from finding out I had PCOS and being told I wouldn't be able to have children, to falling pregnant naturally, finding out I had a inverted uterus and a condition called rhesus factor, to my actual birth (and let me tell you it was pretty cool!) and then the days after birth, including my breast feeding struggles.
So rather than try to write it all in one blog post, you can hear my entire story here!
I absolutely LOVE sharing my birth story and inspiring others that might have had a similar journey with PCOS, and so I hope you love listening to it too!
Brigitte Warne's Birth Story:
Find out more about the herbs I took to fall pregnant here.