Simple ways to boost your immune system naturally
Times are tough (as I write this we are in the midst of the global pandemic that is Covid-19), but now more than ever its important we take the time to really focus on our overall health, especially our immune systems.
So I wanted to take you through a couple of very simple but effective ways you can help to boost your immunity, naturally!

-Vitamin C
An essential nutrient, Vit C acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, a type of unstable molecule known to damage the immune system. There's some evidence that vitamin C may be particularly helpful in boosting the immune systems of people under major stress.
To increase your vitamin C intake eat more citirus foods, kiwi fruits, broccoli, strawberries and green peppers, or consider taking a supplement
- Zinc
Zinc is an essential mineral involved in the production of certain immune cells. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) caution that even mildly low levels of zinc may impair your immune function.
Food sources that contain zinc include; oysters, cashews, raisins, shell fish, bran, chickpeas or you may take a supplement.
-Pre + probiotics
Intestinal microbiota, or gut flora, and the gut barrier determine gut health. Inside the gut are about 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote normal GI function, protect the body from infection, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system. In fact, they comprise more than 75% of the immune system, Pre and Probiotics (whether from food sources or supplemented) are vital to helping support a healthy gut.
- Vitamin D
Research shows that the immune system needs vitamin D to fight off viruses and can help reduce the severity of the illness and help make recovery easier.
You can get vitamin D naturally through sunlight (which many people have less access to during darker, colder months of flu season) and it's also found in some foods, including fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel, eggs, cheese, and mushrooms.
Drinking enough water helps to naturally flush out toxins and illness causing bacteria, so keeping up the water and herbal teas can help to support a health immune system.
Load up on fruit, veggies and whole foods to help increase your nutrient intake and support your immune system.
6-8 hours of good quality sleep helps to support immune cells functionality, and helps to reduce inflamation.
Exercising regularly helps to mobilise immune cells which helps to protect against infection. So keep active and move your body.
High blood sugar can directly affect the body's immune response. Avoid high GI and processed foods and stick fresh fruits and vegetables.
Cortisol interferes with immune cells ability to receive signals and function optimally, so reducing stress and means our bodies can focus on supporting our immune system.
-Black Elderberry
- Cats Claw
- Lemon Balm
- Oregano
- Echinacea
- Turmeric
- Ginseng
- Reishi
- Andrographis
- Garlic
I hope these simple, but powerful immune boosters are something you can implement into you life too!
xx Brig