7 Natural Ways to Tackle Period Pain (& Why They Actually Work)

7 Natural Ways to Tackle Period Pain (& Why They Actually Work)

If you’re like many women, dealing with period pain can sometimes feel overwhelming and debilitating. Fortunately, there are some super simple, but very effective natural remedies that can help. Here’s a closer look at what works, why it works, and how you can integrate them into your daily hormone loving routines to get long term relief from period pain.

1. Eat Specific Fruits

Why it works: Fun fact: the brighter the fruit, the more anti-inflammatory goodness it has. Berries, oranges, and kiwis are like little fruity warriors packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre. The more vibrant your fruit, the more your body can fight off inflammation—which is the real culprit behind those painful cramps.

Pro tip: Vitamin C-rich fruits also help your body absorb iron better, which is especially handy when Aunt Flo makes her monthly visit.


2. Reduce Prostaglandins (A Fancy Word for "The Stuff That Makes You Cramp")

Why it works: Prostaglandins are like the overenthusiastic cheerleaders of your uterus, causing contractions (and pain) during your period. Too many prostaglandins = more cramps. The goal? Tell them to take it down a notch.

How: Omega-3 fatty acids (think salmon and chia seeds) help reduce prostaglandins’ party-crashing antics. Oh, and sipping on a warming chai blend like Chaihood Tea, loaded with turmeric and ginger, can further help calm that inflammation. Plus, chai is delicious, so why not?


3. Support Estrogen Detox Pathways

Why it works: When your oestrogen is throwing a party that progesterone wasn’t invited to, it can lead to oestrogen dominance—aka more cramps, bloating, and overall bad vibes. Helping your body detox excess oestrogen can lighten the load and make your period way more bearable.

How: Cruciferous veggies like broccoli and kale help your liver get rid of excess oestrogen. And sipping on Cysterhood Tea (which contains nettle leaf and licorice root) supports natural detox pathways while balancing hormones. It’s like hitting the reset button for your cycle.


4. Boost Progesterone Levels 

Why it works: Progesterone is the calming influence your body needs during your cycle. If you don’t have enough of it, things get chaotic. Boosting progesterone is like hiring a bouncer for your uterus—everything stays chill, and cramps stay away.

How: Snack on foods rich in zinc (hello, pumpkin seeds!) and vitamin B6 (grab a banana). And of course, red raspberry leaf tea, like Raspberryhood Tea, is known for strengthening the uterine muscles and boosting progesterone. A stronger uterus = less pain. Simple math.


5. Boost Magnesium Absorption 

Why it works: Magnesium is like the chill pill for your muscles. It helps them relax, including your uterus (yay!), which means less cramping. Plus, magnesium can help you sleep better, and who doesn’t need more of that during their period?

How: Snack on magnesium-rich foods like spinach, almonds, or dark chocolate (permission to eat chocolate—granted). Or take a warm bath with Balance Me Hormone Balancing Bath Salts. These salts are packed with magnesium to help soothe tense muscles. Pair that with a relaxing tea like Zenhood Tea, which has chamomile and lavender, and you’ll feel like you’re floating on a cloud of relaxation.

6. Balance Blood Sugar (Because the Hangry Monster Makes Cramps Worse)

Why it works: Blood sugar swings can throw your hormones out of whack and make period symptoms worse. Keeping your blood sugar steady helps keep insulin and oestrogen in check, which helps you dodge the worst of the cramps.

How: Eat protein, healthy fats, and fibre at every meal to keep your blood sugar on an even keel. And if you need a little boost, try a tea like Chaihood Tea in the afternoon. It has Ceylon cinnamon, Turmeric and Licorice root , which helps balance blood sugar, and it’s a great alternative to sugary snacks.


7. Reduce Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) (Because No One Wants Extra Hormone Drama)

Why it works: EDCs are the invisible troublemakers that mess with your hormones, making everything from period pain to mood swings worse. These chemicals are found in things like plastics, personal care products, and even some foods.

How: Switch to natural, non-toxic home and beauty products where possible (your hormones will thank you). Avoid heating food in plastic containers, and opt for organic food when you can. And let’s not forget herbal teas made from 100% natural ingredients—like Cysterhood Tea and Zenhood Tea—which support hormonal balance without any sneaky chemicals.

Easing your period pain doesn’t have to be complicated. While these natural remedies are not 'overnight fixes', with consistent use they will help (many women will even notice some immediate improvements!) and over time these small habits will make your cycle A LOT more bearable. Because honestly, we’ve got better things to do than deal with cramps, right?

xx Brig

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